鸡蛋 egg 2个
普通面粉 multipurpose flour - 1杯
细砂糖 granulated sugar - 半杯
蜂蜜 honey - 1汤匙
食油 cooking oil - 1汤匙
鲜奶 freah milk - 1汤匙
苏打粉 baking soda - 1/3茶匙
水 water 4汤匙
1。用打蛋器,不需要用电搅拌 Use egg mixer also can.
2。将鸡蛋加入砂糖搅拌均匀 Stir evenly for the eggs and sugar
3。加入蜂蜜拌匀 Pour in honey and stir evenly
4。接着加入食油,搅拌均匀 add in cooking oil and stir it
5。苏打粉加入4汤匙的水里搅拌,之后倒入盆里搅拌均匀 mix baking soda with 4 tbsp of water, after mixed evenly then pour it into the eggs paste
6。加入鲜奶拌均匀 add in fresh milk and mix it evenly
7。加入面粉 (筛网)搅拌均匀 add in multipurpose flour (sifted) into the eggs paste
8。待放30分钟 leave it for about 30 minutes
9。烧热一个平底锅,将一汤匙的面糊放上去用小火煎。Heat up a pan, pour a tablespoon of eggs paste and use low heat
10。(大约2分钟)当表面出现很多小孔时就可以将它翻面,翻了之后煎另一面。 It about 2 minutes, when the surface with some holes then only turn it over, fry for another 2 minutes on other side.
馅可以放个人喜欢,可以放花生酱,或果酱.. 最传统就是豆沙馅
Stuffing is option to individual, peanut butter or fruits jam also can but the traditional is using red bean paste
馅料 Stuffing:
Butter and red bean paste into the pot, low heat to melt the butter stir evenly with the red bean
Drain out the water from red bean paste, put some butter to let the red bean more moist and delicious, dislike butter may use honey to replace it)