1kg of fresh tomatoes
500g of spaghetti noodle
10tbs of olive oild
a can of tuna fish (pure n water)
some mushroom
some garlic
some salt
some cheddar cheese
1/4 tsp pepper
2tsp of Oregano Ground
2tsp of Parsley Flakes
2tsp of Rosemary Leaves
1tsp of Nutmeg
2tsp of Cornstarch
Experiment now and then ! try a little Nutmeg in your spaghetti sauce....
- Boil a bowl of hot water then put noodle into hot water bowl and add a little bit of salt
- Let cook about 7 to 10 minutes (depend on which brand of noodle), then drain.
- Fried the garlic with some olive oil until aromatic then pour the spaghetti noodle, cook about 10 minutes.
- Blend the tomatoes until juicy.
- Chopped mushroom into slices
- Fried some garlic until aromatic then pour a can of tuna fish and chopped mushroom (cook about 5 minutes)
- Pour tomatoes juice (let cook about 3 minutes)
- Added herbs (Oregano Ground, Parsley Flakes, Rosemary Leaves, Nutmeg), cook about 3-4 minutes.
- Mix evenly the cornstarch with plain water then pour into tomatoes sauce (let cook about 5 minutes)